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Our church's young adult ministry is for adults 18-30"ish" who are out of high school.

Below is information for the main connection points within our young adult ministry.

Please contact Pastor Pete or Nicki Maclauchlan with any questions.

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Every month on the third Thursday at 8:30pm, we meet at the Applebees in Hornell to eat some food and hang out together.  Everyone's invited and feel free to bring a friend.  Contact Pastor Pete or Pastor Nicki to let us know you're coming and we'll save you a seat!

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Life Group

Our young adult life group meets each Thursday at 7pm in Hornell.  In this life group, we'll talk more about our faith, the Bible, and how it impacts our lives.  If you'd like more information on how to be connected to this Life Group, please contact Pastor Pete or Pastor Nicki.

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Aside from our life group and monthly trip to Applebees, our young adults also host several events throughout the year, such as hiking, bowling, and game nights.  Check out our church's bulletin and newsletter for more information, or feel free to reach out to Pastor Pete or Pastor Nicki.

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